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Celebrate the Birthday!

Celebrate Bach's Birthday and the 300th Anniversary of the Anna Magdalena Bach Notebooks with the Bach Society of Minnesota

Three hundred years ago, Johann Sebastian Bach presented his wife, Anna Magdalena, with a second music notebook. While she used it for her own practice, it also served as a teaching tool for their children. Today, children around the world still learn music from these notebooks, carrying on the Bach family legacy.

Led by Dr. Martin Dicke

March 22, 2025, Saturday 

Masterclass on Bach’s Keyboard Music | 2:00 PM

Bach Birthday Community Concert | 3:00 PM

All Are Welcome!


Please fill out form to perform for the Community Concert. 

  • Applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

  • Instrumentalists, singers, or ensembles of any age or level of ability are invited to participate.

  • Any music by Bach, his sons, or his contemporaries may be performed.

  • Submit the application by March 17 

Saint James Lutheran Church

460 Annapolis St. W., West St. Paul


Admission Free 

March 29, 2025, Saturday | 3:30 PM 

The Story of Anna Magdalena Bach and Her Notebooks:A Lecture/Demonstration Recital


This lecture will wrap up the Bach & Friends Workshop.


You are invited to attend the final play-through by workshop participants at 2:45 PM.

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What to Expect?
  • Masterclass on Bach’s Keyboard Music: Come and learn about Bach’s keyboard music and the instruments that he played. Samples of his music will be played on various instruments including the clavichord and pipe organ. Tips will be given on how to learn Bach’s music and play it on modern instruments such as the piano. Advice will also be given on editions.

  • Bach Birthday Community Concert: This concert is an opportunity for students and amateur musicians to share their music with us. Performances may include music from the Anna Magdalena Notebooks or any music by Bach, his sons, and his contemporaries. Musicians and ensembles of any instrument, any age, and any level of ability may participate. 

  • A Call for Musicians to Celebrate Bach’s Birthday! To perform on the Saturday, March 22 concert, please fill out the Musician Application Form. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. 

  • The Story of Anna Magdalena Bach and Her Notebooks: A Lecture/Demonstration Recital: Children all over the world play music from the Anna Magdalena Notebooks. Join us to discover the fascinating history behind these books, explore the Bach family's story, and enjoy performances of Johann Sebastian Bach’s music on the clavichord, pipe organ, and piano. This engaging Lecture/Demonstration Recital will feature excerpts from these books as well as portions of the Brahms transcription of Bach's Chaconne in D Minor for Solo Violin, BWV 1004. This event will be part of the Bach & Friends Workshop. An appearance may even be made by Anna Magdalena herself.

  • Contact: Dr. Martin Dicke at | 651-249-5348

Celebrate the Birthday

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Dr. Martin Dicke

Martin Dicke is organist and choir director at Saint James Lutheran Church, West St. Paul. He earned a MM in Choral Conducting from the University of Minnesota (1987) and a DMA in Choral Conducting from the University of Iowa (2008). He has served Lutheran schools and churches in the Twin Cities, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, and for 14 years was Cantor at Trinity Lutheran Church, Peoria. In the Twin Cities and Iowa City he directed community choirs. While in Peoria he co-founded the Peoria Bach Festival (2003) and currently serves as its director. From 2016-22 he served as a Music Specialist in Papua New Guinea and Taiwan. He is on the Board of the Bach Society of Minnesota and David’s Harp, an organization dedicated to helping churches train a new generation of musicians. To celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran chorale he collaborated with David’s Harp to publish Hymns of the Reformation, a primer level repertoire book for young pianists and organists.


His other compositions and arrangements are available on and

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