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Bach Society of Minnesota was founded in 1932 by musicians and educators from the University of Minnesota, a movement led by music Professor Donald Ferguson that brought together two music fraternities to prepare a Bach cantata under his direction. The organization was one of the first in North America to take the legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach as an exclusive starting point for performances and programming featuring the timeless music of the great composer and those he inspired. In 1959, nearly 30 years into its founding season, the society’s new leader Dr. David LaBerge developed programming that included works by composers other than Bach.

In 1980, Henry Charles Smith, resident conductor of the Minnesota Orchestra, became artistic director and initiated an annual collaboration between Bach Society and the Minnesota Orchestra performing Handel’s Messiah. Subsequent artistic directors include Paul Oakley, 1987; Roderick Kettlewell, 1997; Myles Hernandez, 2000; Thomas Lancaster, 2004; Paul Boehnke, 2007; and Matthias Maute, 2016. Under Maute’s direction, the Bach Society continues to communicate the depths and passions of Bach’s compositions through period instruments and historic practices, and – much like the musical experimentation that typified the Baroque era – artistic collaborations and performances that occasionally infuse renowned compositions with references to other genres and eras.


To All Bach Society of Minnesota Contributors, with Gratitude

Thank you to all who have given so generously; allowing us to keep the music of J.S. Bach alive.

The above list of donors includes those who have contributed between August 1, 2023, and December 9, 2024. If we have mistakenly left your name off this list, please let us know so we can correct the error.

Up to $99

Alyssa Anderson

Andrea Leap

Andrea Patten

Anthony Harder

Barbara Levie

Barry Rubin

Brian Krysinski

Carol A. A. Peterson in honor of James R. Buskirk

Carol Pagac

Charles Asher

Charles Calhoun

Colleen Kennealy

Cynthia Wright-Dellanave To acknowledge Joan Rabe and Jay Kurtz’s love of music

Daniel & Hannah Borup

Daniel Vogel

David & Jane Townsend

Deanna Carlson

Dominic Hartjes

Dominic Pease

Duane Esterly

Elizabeth Burr in memory of John E. Landgraf

Ellen Prozumenshikov in memory of Gisya Rubashkin

Emek & Elif Ediboglu

Gary & Rita Steffenhagen

Gigi Yau

Gregory Sauve

Hans Bjornson

John K Dalland in honor of Mendelsson-Bach's St. Matthew Passion

John Matthias

Kelly Turpin

Kyler Nelson

LeAnn Anderson

Lynn Petersen

Marie Lynch

Marta Bowman

Michele Deslauriers

Patricia & Bradley D. Larson

Paul Westermeyer

Paula Linnen

Philip Rickey

Rebecca Hansen & Ralph Westcott

Robert A. Peskin

Ruth & Frank Bures in memory of Don Hoiness

Ruth Lincoln

Sally Harris in memory of Paul H. Harris

Sandra & Terry Severson

Sara & Karl Fiegenschuh

Signe & Maurice Dysken

Stacy Hollenback in memory of Jilleen Hollenback

Stephanie Summers & Thomas O'Brien

Stephen Muehlberg

Susan & Paul Stageberg

Susan Lasoff

Ulrïch Koester

Yang Giving Fund

$100 to 499

Aaron Brown

Alan & Jolene Hansen

Aleta Borrud & Jim Findlay

Allan W Klein

Amanda Knoke


Arturo Steely

Benjamin Scott

Bill & Ann Hart Wernz

Carolyn & Philip Brunelle

Charles & Pamela Nichols

Cheryl & Bruce Struve

Christie Dauphin

Christine Huelster

Christine M. Laughlin

Cindy Burns

Claire Miller

Cléa Galhano

Cynthia Burns

Cynthia Stokes

D. William O'Brien

Dana Skoglund

Daniel & Patricia Rukavina in memory of John Matthias

David & Kathleen Christenson

David Morris

David Shaffer-Gottschalk

Debra Timming

Dennis & Patti Doran

Don & Natasha Hensrud

Donald Nightingale

Dr. F Mark Carter

Elim Lutheran Church of Robbinsdale

Ellen Grace

Fred Krohn

Gayle Thorsen

Gordon & Dorothea Anderson

Guy Western

Harald Eriksen

Harold & Grace Kurtz

Harry M. Walsh

House of Note

IBM Employee Matching Grant

James Noble

Jane & Dobson West

Jay Beck & Gretchen Bratvold

Jay & Cynthia Mclaren

Jean Lown

Jeffrey L. Daehn

Jerome Quinn

Jerry & Maribeth Heying

John & Maryann Corbett

John Peters

John W. Windhorst

Joseph Allen

Joseph Halloran

Judith Davis in memory of Bill Davis

Judith & Steven Madole

Julie Brown & Jones Adkins in honor of Karen & Arnie Kustritz

Kaimay & Joseph Terry

Karen Minge

Karen Snedeker

Kathleen Welte

Kathryn Keefer in honor of Linh Kauffman

Kit Bingham

Kristi Sullivan in memory of Roger Tenney

Kyler Nelson in memory of Gail Nelson


Lynn & Scott H. Okuno in honor of our friends Jay Kurtz & Joan Rabe

Marcia Leatham

Margret Oethinger in memory of my father Hermann Oethinger

Maria Alderink in memory of Larry J. Alderink

Mary St. Clair in honor of Joanna St. Clair

Maryann & John Corbett

Michael & Connie Landreville

Michael & Lise Barone

Michael & Martha Koch

Michael Hollerich

Michael Rivard

Michael Root

Michael Short

Mike & Susan Cizek

Nancy Carlson

Naomi Haugen & Peter Mansfield 

Norman Senjem

Pamela Marentette

Patricia & Colin Aldis

Paul & Julie Boehnke

Paul & Sally Westermeyer

Paul Ray

Pauline Siepka

Peggy Malikowski

Peter & Carol Parshall

Philip Asgian

Rachel Runnels

Richard Helling

Richard Ollmann & Suzanne Leung

Rick Pepin

Ron Solyntjes

Ruth & Jon Dalager Buuck

S.E. & Lynn W. Hodulik

Sara Mushlitz

Scott Schilbe

Sheryl & Steven Schellhaass

Sheryl Ramstad

Steven & Karen Hartberg

Steven & Corilee Skildum in memory of Auke Tellegen

Sue O’Connell in honor of Isabelle Murphy O’Connell

Tamra Nelson

Victoria Van Slyke in memory of Solveig Steen

William H Halverson

William Wallace

Yvonne Grover

$10,000 and Above

3M Community Fund Community-Led Investments in Partnership with the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

City of Saint Paul Cultural STAR

Thrivent Employee Matching Grant

Savitt-Kumagai Family Foundation

Terry & David Gilberstadt

$5,000 to 9,999

Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of The HRK Foundation

Carl & Verna Schmidt Foundation

Cathedral Heritage Foundation

Holly Fistler & Andrew Leung

Jay Kurtz & Joan Rabe

Jonathan & Martha Morgan

Medtronics Employee Matching Grant

Steven Mayer & Susan Doherty in memory of Auke Tellegen

William B Hauser

Yunyue Liu & Marco Real

$1,000 to 4,999

Ada Dong
Amy & Jack Fistler

Athwin Foundation
Bruce Jacobs & Ann Jennen
Cynthia Chapman

Cynthia Shingler
Diane & Paul Jacobson
Dr. Ronald & Joan Weiss

General Mill Corporate Matching Gifts
Heide H. Buettner

Ilya & Tara Berchenko
Kustritz Family in memory of Arnold
Lucy Jones
Michael & Julie McKenny

Randall M. Egan, Publisher of Music Ltd.
Ying Fan & Hongkang Wan

$500 to 999 

Brent & Kristin Robbins

Carolynne & Bill Mathis

Catherine Wood

China Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Claire E. Selkurt

Gerard & Louise Olson

John S Setterlund

Julia O'Brien

Katherine H Anderson

Kit Bingham

Mark Lystig

Robert L. Lee & Mary E. Schaffner in honor of Jonathan Morgan

Nancy Werner

Sarah & Richard A. Amos

Shelley Cross

Virginia Miller

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